In this lab, we will install SQL Server 2014 on a Windows 2008 R2 SP1 box. Initially, we will just install Windows Server 2008 R2, then upgrade the server to Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. Then, we will install the required features for the SQL Server installation. Finally, we will perform the SQL Server 2014 installation. To demonstrate that the SQL Server 2014 installation was successful, we will create a DB, a table, insert some data into the table, and then query the inserted data.
On the Windows 2008 R2 box, click Start. Type ncpa.cpl to launch the Network Interfaces windows. Right-click the chosen interface to configure TCP/IP Settings for the Server.
Make sure you have the correct time zone
And the correct time.
Enable Remote Desktop so that we can administer this server remotely.
Change the server name and join it to the domain.
Log back into the server using the Domain Admin account.
Temporarily disable Windows Firewall.
Insert the Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 into the DVD drive and perform the installation.
Click Close when done.
Add .NET Framework 3.5.1 Feature
Keep default IIS requirements when prompted. Click Next.
Keep default Role Services
Click Install.
Click Close when done.
Insert the SQL Server 2014 DVD into the drive and run SETUP
Click Installation tab and choose New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add feature to an existing installation.
Choose Evaluation
Accept the License and click Next
I choose not to enable Microsoft Update to make it easy but in live environment, you should check this checkbox.
Click Next and choose SQL Server Feature Installation
Choose the following Features
Click Next. Choose the default instance.
Change service startup type to Automatic
Choose Mixed Mode, Add Current User
View Summary, click Install.
Click OK
Click Close
Restart the server.
Launch the SQL 2014 Management Studio
Click Connect to login.
You will receive the following interface
Let’s create a Test Database. Click + Databases, Right-click on Databases and choose New Database
Type Test for the Database Name
Click OK
Now Database Test appears.
Let’s create a table in the Test Database.
Drill down the Test Database.
Right-click Tables, choose New -> Table…
Enter the following
Click Save. Enter table name as TestTable
Now Right-click on the ID and set it as Primary Key
Save the table once more.
As you can see, the table appears under the Table folder
With the TestTable highlighted, choose New Query
Type the following lines
into TestTable values(1,
‘Chuong’, ‘Nguyen’);
into TestTable values(2,
‘Jorge’, ‘Perez’);
into TestTable values(3,
‘Rainie’, ‘Jin’);


Erase the above three lines and type the following lines for selecting data.
from TestTable

Press F5 to execute the SELECT command. You will see

In this lab, we have successfully installed and configured SQL Server 2014 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 box. We also explore how to create a Database, a table, inserting some data, and querying it.

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