Download and extract the installation files to a directory (C: \SC2012_R2_SCCM_SCEP).
On the SCCM machine, create a new directory C:\SCCM-Prerequisites.
Inside this directory: C:\SC2012_R2_SCCM_SCEP\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64
Run the file setupdl.exe
You will be asked for a location
Now specify C:\SCCM-Prerequisites as the location. Click Download.
Wait for the download to be completed.
After the download is completed, you will see ~653MB of data deposited into the directory.

Back to the directory C: \SC2012_R2_SCCM_SCEP, run the splash application.
Click Install.
Click Next.
Choose Install a Configuration Manager primary site. Click Next.
Choose to install using an evaluation version. Click Next.
Accept the license terms and click Next.
Accept the three license terms and click Next.
Specify the downloaded directory.
Choose the language of your choice and click Next.
Also select client language of your choice. Click Next.
Fill in the Site code, site name, installation folder, and select to install the console. Click Next.
Install primary site as a stand-alone site. Click Next.
Click Yes to continue.
Keep this screen as default and click Next.
Click Next.
Click Next.
Choose Configure the communication method on each site system role. Click Next.
Choose both Management Point and Distribution Point.
Click Next.
Review and click Next.
Wait for the prerequisite check to complete.
You can see that there are two warning about SQL Server memory limit.
Make sure to change memory limit to 8192.
After that, I reran the check, there is a failure about SQL Server collation.
Change the collation with the command in Windows PowerShell
PS D:\> ./setup.exe /action=rebuilddatabase /instancename=MSSQLSERVER /SQLCollation=SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=dalaris\sccmadm
After changing the collation, verify the collation has been changed.
Also make sure again that the memory limit is set properly. This reverts back to default after I changed the collation. Therefore we need to confirm and set as shown below.
Now that we have resolved all issues, we will see a blank detailed page. All prerequisite rules passed successfully. Click Begin Install.
My installation took about 12 minutes 17 seconds. Click Close.

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