Now if you followed my previous post where we installed the Azure Stack inside a VM on Server 2016 here, you will now want to get setup with an Offer, a Plan and, a Subscription.  So lets go do it.

Create a Plan

First of all to explain what a plan is.  Think different plans available from Microsoft.  Trial Accounts, MSDN, Azure Passes for courses, Microsoft Partner plans.  All of these need to be restricted, for example on a trial account you don’t want users creating large VM’s and consuming live resources when they are just evaluating it.  For example my MSDN account is limited to 20 CPU cores altogether.  This is how we can do that.
Click on New > Tenant Offers and Plans  > Plan.
Give the plan a name to the new subscription and choose the Offered Services.  In this scenario we will select Subscriptions, StorageCompute and Network providers which is basic IaaS.
Click Select then click Create.
Once we have a plan in place we can set quotas for each provider. See below, here I have set quotas on number of Virtual Networks (VNets), Subnets and maximum DNS Servers per virtual network
Do the same for Storage and Compute which will determine the maximum capacity a tenant can consume.  Once you have done this click create.
You may see this error, its fine.  Click Change State and make it public.
Creating an Offer
The offer is essentially which Plans a tenant can subscribe to.  Click on New > Tenant Offers and Plans  > Offer
Enter a name and then select the plan you create above.
Click Select then Create
Change the state of the plan to public as per the Plan above.

Create a Tenant

Now to create a Tenant, you need to logon to your Azure account and create it in Azure AD.
Once logged in navigate to Active Directory.  Then open your Default Directory which is created for you. 
Click Users and Add User.
Select New user in your organisation and enter a username and click the arrow.
Enter the details and add the user as a normal user and click the arrow.
Now click create to get a temporary password.
Navigate back to your Client Machine in your Azure Stack POC environment and logout of any sessions of the Azure Stack Portal then reopen the shortcut on the Desktop.
Login as the new user you created.
You will be asked to change the password.  Click accept when prompted to allow permissions.
Now we can sign up for a subscription.  Click Get a Subscription tile on the main page.
Type a Display Name and clock Offer:
You will see the offer you created earlier.  Click Select and OK.
Check to see the subscription was correctly created by clicking the bell icon.
Before we continue, refresh the portal (F5).
Now we can create a Virtual Machine in our subscription.  Click on New > Compute > WindowsServer-2012-R2-Datacenter
Well, doesn’t that look familiar?
You now have a fully functioning Azure Stack Environment.
In future articles I will go through how to add your own templates to the Marketplace.