The requested HTTP URL was not available when Exchange 2010 Management Console is opened

Whe opening the Exhange 2010 management console i.e. EMC once may see the below error:
Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WinRM client sent a request to an HTTP server and got a response saying the requested HTTP URL was not available.
This seems to be an issue with the IIS port 80 bindings. On my server I managed to fix it by removing any bindings of port 80 and do them again.
Open IIS, and then right-click on tye Default Web Site.
Click Edit Bindings.
Remove the bindings with port 80 and set the value of All Unassigned for the IP address.
Restart IIS
In my case this solved the problem. Also I found the below just in case you have multiple sites.

You are running multiple websites.
You try to set up a redirect, for example, to by requiring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on the Default Web Site.
You create another website to do the redirect back to the SSL-enabled website.

Windows Remote PowerShell requires port 80 to be available on the Default Web Site. If you want to set up an automatic redirect to /owa and redirect http requests to https, follow the instructions in the section, “For a Configuration in Which SSL is Required on the Default Web Site or on the OWA Virtual Directory in IIS 7.0″ on the following Microsoft website:

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