DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image


DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth” is a Dism command that runs a scan for corruption and repairs problems that it finds with the operating system you are logged into.


The deployment image servicing and management tool (DISM) is manipulated to scan and restore potential issues within the windows that may impact an operating system.

Dism.exe switches

Dism.exe will always target your chosen area; you must either specify the /online or /Image switch. Dism.exe will not foresee a path to an offline image.

  • Image switch and online switch

On the other hand, if you consider /image switch, DISM will expect you to restrict the path to the root directory of an offline Windows image. However, the DISM.exe /Online switch means you ask DISM to target the operating system instead of an offline image.

What is a /Cleanup-image switch? How does it work? In this section, we will explain it to you:

For this deployment Image Servicing and Management tool to work, you need to follow other image servicing tools and commands with /online or /Image switch. One of the few is the cleanup-image switch.

  • Cleanup-image switch

This switch functions to clean and recover operations and undertakings on the running operating network in Dism.exe/online/Cleanup-image/ Restorehealth” command. Which means when you run dism.exe/Online/Cleanup-image, you are asking the Dism tool to:

  1. Cleanup and repair operations on the system.
  2. Target running operating system.

The next and last switch is the “DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth” command is the /Restorehealth switch.”

/Restorehealth switch

It attempts to repair the corrupted scanned files automatically from the operating network.

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth” command does the following:

1) The online switch requires DISM.exe to target the running operating system rather than offline windows image(.wim) or virtual hard disk.

2) The cleanup-image switch has to go for cleaning and recovery operation on a system.

3) The last one, /Restorehealth Switch, scans the ongoing operating system for corrupt files and attempts to restore them.

Check your operating system health

Can Dism.exe help you find problems in the OS? It for sure, can. Have you got some issues with your Windows computer? Use the /scan health switch to execute a progressive scan.

Here’s a command to it:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

You Want To Run Dism.Exe From Windows Recovery Mode?

You want to repair your windows10 computer that doesn’t boot at all, use the following steps:

  1. Download Windows 10 ISO, burn it in your DVD, and boot your system.
  2. When you see your computer boots displays on the screen, press any key to boot into the Windows 10 DVD.
  3. Click next on the window setup screen. Then click repair your computer.
  4. Click troubleshoot next. Then hit the command prompt button.
  5. Command prompt loads.

We need to extract the file before using the DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth command with a WIM file.

Follow the steps below to extract the OS WIM file from install.esd:

  1. You need to determine the drive your ISO image was mounted first. However, this depends on the number of drives on your computer. Acknowledging that it can’t drive C, try D and then E, and so on.
  2. Enter the drive name, followed by a colon to alter the drive name. Then, press enter.


  1. Proceed, type Dir and press the enter key.


Observe possible drive letters until you find the one with folders, boot, EFI, sources, and support. This is the drive your windows 10 Iso has made file directories of on a storage device.

  1. Next, you have to find out the index number of the Windows10 edition you would prefer to use.

To do this, you need to follow the below command:

CD sources

  1. Type this command and hit the enter key.

    dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:install.esd

You will see an outcome to the command written above.

In short, DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth” is an extremely significant and helpful windows command. 

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