Open the desired PDF file
From the
View menu » select
Toolbars » Redaction
Redaction toolbar appears.

- To select text for redaction,
- Hover over the desired text
Your cursor becomes an I-beam
With the I-beam, click and drag over the text to be redacted
Red lines appear around the selected text.
NOTE: To preview how the area will appear after redaction, hover over the selected area.
- To select images for redaction,
- Hover near the desired image
Your cursor becomes a cross hair
With the cross hair, click and drag a square around the image(s) to be redacted
Double-click to mark the entire image for redaction
Red lines appear around the selected image or image section.
NOTE: To preview how the area will appear after redaction, hover over the selected area.
- To deselect an item marked for redaction,
- Click on the desired item
Press [Delete].
The redaction marks disappear from the selected area.
Repeat steps 4 - 6 until all of the desired areas are marked for redaction
A confirmation dialog box appears.
Click OK
A dialog box appears, asking if you would like to search for additional document information.
HINT: Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro is asking if you would like to search for metadata (information that is not visible e.g., form fields, hidden text).
To leave all metadata in the PDF document, click NO and continue with step 12
To search for metadata in your PDF document, click YES
The Examine Document pane appears, showing the metadata that Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro found within the PDF document.
Using the Examine Document pane, select the information you want removed from the PDF document » click REMOVE
The selected metadata is removed from the PDF document.
From the File menu » select Save As...
The Save As dialog box appears.
Using the Save in pull-down list, select a save location
In the File name text box, type the file name
WARNING: The redacted areas have been permanently removed from your document. If you would like to save one copy with the redactions and one without, name the document with the redactions differently.
The selected areas have been removed from the PDF.
NOTE: If you do not like the appearance of the reaction marks, you can
modify them.
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