Remove Browser Redirect Virus (Removal Instructions)

There are several reasons why you may experience a browser redirect,however the most likely cause it’s a computer virus.

Browser redirect viruses are not something new and malware developers have been using this technique for years to generate traffic to their sites,gathering search terms and redirect users to websites from where they’ll receive a commission or some sort of revenue.
Your browser can be redirected while you do a Google, Yahoo or Bing search and in this case the malicious programs will hijack you search results and redirect you to similar websites.And in other cases will redirect you while you are trying to load a webpage ,will instead redirect you to a tracking websites  and only afterwards allow you to go to your desired site.
Google Redirect Virus
So what type of infections can cause this browser redirects? TDL4 rootkits ,bootkits which will infectyour Master Boot Record and malicious browser add-ons are  known to cause this malicious behavior.
This type of infections are designed specifically to make money. It generates web traffic, collects sales leads for other dubious sites, and tries to fool the victim into paying for useless software. If those tricks don’t work it can kick up the threat level by downloading additional malicious or misleading programs.

Browser Redirect Virus – Removal Instructions

STEP 1:  Remove Browser Redirect virus with Kaspersky TDSSKiller

The most likely cause for your browser redirection is rootkit or a Master Boot Record infection.In this first step, we will run a system scan with Kaspersky TDSSKiller to remove this infection.
  1. Please download the latest official version of Kaspersky TDSSKiller.
    KASPERSKY TDSSKILLER DOWNLOAD LINK(This link will automatically download Kaspersky TDSSKiller on your computer.)
  2. Before you can run Kaspersky TDSSKiller, you first need to rename it so that
    you can get it to run. To do this, right-click on the TDSSKiller.exe icon and select Rename.
    Edit the name of the file from TDSSKiller.exe to iexplore.exe, and then double-click on it to launch.
  3. Kaspersky TDSSKiller will now start and display the welcome screen and we will need to click on Change Parameters.
    Kaspersky TDSSKiller change settings
  4. In the new open window,we will need to enable Detect TDLFS file system, then click on OK.
    Kaspersky TDSSKiller Detect TDLFS file system
  5. Next,we will need to start a scan so you’ll need to press the Start Scan button.
    Kaspersky TDSSKiller start scan
  6. Kaspersky TDSSKiller will now scan your computer for any bootkits infection.
    Kaspersky TDSSKiller scan
  7. When the scan has finished it will display a result screen stating whether or not the infection was found on your computer. If it was found it will display a screen similar to the one below.
    Kaspersky TDSSKiller results
  8. To remove the infection simply click on the Continue button and TDSSKiller will attempt to clean the infection.A reboot will be require to completely remove any infection from your system.

STEP 2: Remove the malicious files from your computer with  Malwarebytes Chameleon

Malwarebytes Chameleon is a powerful utility from Malwarebytes, that will stop any m malicious process from running and remove its malicious files from your computer.
  1. Download Malwarebytes Chameleon from the below link and extract it to a folder in a convenient location.
    MALWAREBYTES CHAMELEON DOWNLOAD LINK  (This link will open a new web page from where you can download Malwarebytes Chameleon)
  2. Make certain that your infected computer is connected to the internet and then open the Malwarebytes Chameleon folder and double-click on svchost.exe.
    Malwarebytes Chameleon
    IF Malwarebytes Chameleon will not open, double-click on the other renamed files until you find one will work, which will be indicated by a black DOS/command prompt window.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to press a key to continue and Chameleon will proceed to download and install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for you.
    Malwarebytes Chameleon press key
  4. Once it has done this, it will update Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, and you’ll need to click OK when it says that the database was updated successfully.
    Malwarebytes Chameleon updating its database
  5. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now attempt to kill all the malicious processassociated with Browser Redirect virus.Please be aware that this process can take up to 10 minutes, so please be patient.
    Malwarebytes Chameleon killing malware
  6. Next, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will automatically open and perform a Quick scan for Browser Redirect virus malicious files as shown below.
    Malwarebytes Chameleon quick scan
  7. Upon completion of the scan, click on Show Result
    Malwarebytes Chameleon scan results
  8. You will now be presented with a screen showing you the malware infections that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware has detected.
    Make sure that everything is Checked (ticked),then click on the Remove Selected button.
    Malwarebytes Chameleon malicious process
  9. After your computer restarts, open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and perform a Full System scan to verify that there are no remaining threats

STEP 3 : Remove the malicious registry keys added by the Browser Redirect virus

In most cases any browser redirect virus will add some malicious registry keys to your Windows installation,to remove them we will need to perform a scan with RogueKiller.
  1. Please download the latest official version of RogueKiller.
    ROGUEKILLER DOWNLOAD LINK (This link will automatically download RogueKiller on your computer)
  2. Double click on RogueKiller.exe to start this utility and then wait for the Prescan to complete.This should take only a few seconds and then you can click the Start button to perform a system scan.
    RogueKiller scanning after ZeroAccess virus virus
  3. After the scan has completed, press the Delete button to remove any malicious registry keys.
    Remove ZeroAccess virus  infection with RogueKiller

STEP 4: Remove browser redirect rootkit with HitmanPro

  1. Download the latest official version of HitmanPro from the below link.
    HITMANPRO DOWNLOAD LINK(This link will open a download page in a new window from where you can download HitmanPro)
  2. Double click on the previously downloaded fileto start the HitmanPro installation.
    [Image: HitmanPro Icon]
    IF you are experiencing problems while trying to starting HitmanPro, you can use the “Force Breach” mode.To start this program in Force Breach mode, hold down the left CTRL-key when you start HitmanPro and all non-essential processes are terminated, including the malware process. (How to start HitmanPro in Force Breach mode – Video)
  3. Click on Next to install HitmanPro on your system.
    [Image: Starting HitmanPro]
  4. The setup screen is displayed, from which you can decide whether you wish to install HitmanPro on your machine or just perform a one-time scan, select a option then click onNext to start a system scan.
    [Image: HitmanPro installation screen]
  5. HitmanPro will start scanning your system for malicious files as seen in the image below.
    [Image: HitmanPron scanning for Browser Redirect virus]
  6. Once the scan is complete,you’ll see a screen which will display all the malicious files that the program has found.Click on Next to remove this malicious files.
    [Image: HitmanPro scan results]
  7. Click Activate free license to start the free 30 days trial and remove the malicious files.
    [Image: Activate HitmanPro license]
  8. HitmanPro will now start removing the infected objects.If this program will ask you to restart your computer,please allow this request.

STEP 5: Remove the residual damage from your browser

  1. You can download AdwCleaner from the below link.
    ADWCLEANER DOWNLAOD LINK (This link will automatically download AdwCleaner on your computer)
  2. Before starting this utility,close all open programs and internet browsers.
  3. Double click on adwcleaner.exe to run the tool.
  4. Click on Delete,then confirm each time with Ok.
    Adwcleaner utility
  5. Your computer will be rebooted automatically. A text file will open after the restart.
  6. NEXT,double click on adwcleaner.exe to run the tool.
  7. Click on Uninstall,then confirm with yes to remove this utility from your computer.

STEP 6: Double check for any left over infections on your computer

STEP A: Run a scan with Eset Online Scanner.
  1. Download ESET Online Scanner utility.
    ESET Online Scanner Download Link (This link will automatically download ESET Online Scanner on your computer.)
  2. Double click on the Eset installer program (esetsmartinstaller_enu.exe).
  3. Check Yes, I accept the Terms of Use
  4. Click the Start button.
  5. Check Scan archives
  6. Push the Start button.
  7. ESET will then download updates for itself, install itself, and begin scanning your computer. Please be patient as this can take some time.
  8. When the scan completes, push Finish
STEP B: Run a scan with Emsisoft Emergency Kit.
  1. Please download the latest official version of Emsisoft Emergency Kit.
    EMSISOFT EMERGENCY KIT DOWNLOAD LINK (This link will open a download page in a new window from where you can download Emsisoft Emergency Kit)
  2. After the download process will finish , you’ll need to unpack EmsisoftEmergencyKit.zipand then double click on EmergencyKitScanner.bat
  3. A pop-up will prompt you to update Emsisoft Emergency Kit , please click the “Yes” button.After the Update process has completed , put the mouse cursor over the “Menu” tab on the left and click-on “Scan PC“.
  4. Select “Smart scan” and click-on the below “SCAN” button.When the scan will be completed , you will be presented with a screen showing you the malware infections that Emsisoft Emergency Kit has detected.Make sure that everything is Checked (ticked) and click on the ‘Quarantine selected objects‘ button.

Next,we will remove the tools that we’ve used in our malware removal process.
Kaspersky TDSSKiller,AdwCleaner and RogueKiller can be removed by deleting the utilities.
We strongly recommend that you keep Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and HitmanPro installed on your machine and run regular scans with this tools.If you however,wish to remove them,you can go into the Add or Remove programs and uninstall this two on-demand scanners.

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